Back by popular demand our farm wreath making class is on the calendar for Sunday July 17th! You can reserve your spot on our website store.
Class size is limited to 20 so please act quickly! This class we will provide the option of creating either a boxwood or magnolia wreath you select as you reserve your spot.

Our first two classes were a lot of fun and everyone left with their own beautiful magnolia wreath and lots of fond memories of their experience on the farm.
Our magnolia leaves are now matured into a beautiful dark green and are ready to harvest and the boxwood is fresh as well. Participants will be supplied with magnolia or boxwood , as well as all of the tools needed to create your own masterpiece. In addition to making a beautiful wreath guests are encouraged to walk through the flower fields and relax on the porch at our farmhouse. So signing up is easy but if have questions please text or call us at 228-369-4438.
Super rock star, flower designer, creator and queen of the florist world Martha Whitney, proprietor of the French Potager, is bringing her talent to our farm and using our flowers for one of kind workshop.
Save the date July 24th; more details to follow soon.
On the Farm
It has been a very hot summer so far!!! Our baby chicks we purchased turned out to include 3 big old roosters, Billy, Bob and Thornton. Needless to say roosters were not an option for laying hens — something about fertilized eggs didn't sound good. So once they were big and loud enough they were relocated to our donkey "joe burrow "pen and now they are all buddies. As for all the single ladies not to worry they are doing just fine!

Other big farm news.... we have a baby calf! Samson the dad and Freckles the mom are proud parents of a baby boy cow and he is so handsome. Since we are in the Kiln, the official moonshine capital of the world, he is aptly named "Hooch White Lightening Wyly"
Finally, we had 4 young ducks donated to the funny farm. They are loud and very opinionated ....more on them later.